Best practices for revamping your CV

Here are some of the Best practices for revamping your CV. CV stands for Curriculum Vitae or “course of life.” In the US, a CV is a 2–12 page academic document that describes your school career in deep detail. In Europe, a CV is a standard 1–2 page resume for a job, tailored to the position. In other words, the meaning and definition of a CV depending on your location.

The presentation of your CV is very important. It must highlight the subtle blend of readability, density and creativity. For this, I offer you a presentation that appeals to more than 90% of recruiters.

As you can see above, the document is divided into 5 parts: the header, the skills, the experiences, the school career and the footer. The advantage of this presentation is that it highlights both skills and experience. Now, let’s detail the content of each part.


In the header of the page, we will find some personal information. You will find :

  • Your photo: Boost your photo with a smile, it’s always more pleasant.
  • Your personal information: Write your first name before your last name. Give your address without too much precision (the postal code and the city will suffice). Provide your contact details (telephone number and email address)
  • The name of the desired position: Indeed it may seem strange, but you must always specify the name of the position you are aiming for.

SKILLS – Best practices for revamping your CV

Why do we put skills on a CV? Each recruiter is looking for a profile. A profile is a set of knowledge, skills and life skills. On a CV, we can show knowledge and know-how. On the other hand, soft skills will be demonstrated in the cover letter. The mix between knowledge and know-how gives me a skill, and this demonstrates my ability to perform a task. For example, “Write a specification”.

How to organize your skills? It is important to categorize skills for better reading and understanding. For example, I am a future web project manager. I will define the areas of activity in which I have skills (project management, development, design, communication). Then in each field of activity, I attribute my skills. Write specifications and define a provisional budget for project management. Integrate a graphical interface and create a database for development. Etc. I invite you to modify this list of skills very regularly, which will evolve according to the projects and tasks you perform.


For each professional experience, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Title: The job title
  • In subtitle: The company and the start and end dates of this job
  • In a paragraph: The list of tasks performed during this job. For each task, define it with a verb and a complement. For example, “Develop the G4 Institute website”.
  • In the sub-paragraph: Detail the tools you used if these funds are directly related to the position in question, or else, programming languages ​​or project management.


The educational background is important on a CV. On the other hand, it should take up little space on the document. Why? Recruiters will pay more attention to your skills and work experience. As you could see in the presentation proposed at the beginning of the article, the school course takes up the entire width of the page. Indeed, for this part, the layout preferred by recruiters is the timeline. It gives good visibility of the level of study and the sequence of the different diplomas. For each training, you must provide:

  • The type of diploma: BTS, DUT, Licence, etc.
  • The name of the diploma: IT, e-commerce, web marketing and communication, etc.
  • The year of obtaining
  • The establishment: important, because if your profile is good, you will advertise your establishments and future trainees or employees
  • The city: This shows your motivation. If you have moved a lot, it shows that to fulfil your objectives, you are not afraid of anything.


This is the last part of your resume. You will enter your language level there. Use simple expressions (bilingual, written and spoken, academic). It must also allow the recruiter to know you extra-professionally. That is to say that you will insert your centres of interest, the projects in which you are invested and personal information that could benefit your future job.

A tip for the footer, if you play sports, do not hesitate to inform it with the frequency of the practices. Recruiters like to know that if you’re stressed with your job, you can let off steam after your day.

Last advice for this part, recruiters often appreciate a short sentence at the bottom of your CV that reminds you of your contact details. For example, “If you are interested in my web marketing and communication manager profile, contact me at [email protected] or 01 02 03 04 05.” Therefore, they do not need to go back to the top of your page to get your hands on your personal information.

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