Career Orientation

8 tips for a successful job interview

Want to succeed in your job interview? Here are some 8 tips for a successful job interview. Dress code, language, non-verbal communication… Beyond your professional background and your ability to present it well, recruiters are also sensitive to your attitude in interviews. So many elements to take into account for the big day.

1. Turn your tongue 7 times in your mouth before speaking

We all have language tics. But between an informal discussion between friends and a job interview, some are to be avoided, especially since it can be horrifying. The “eh”, “uh”, and “what” which punctuate the sentences are to be banned. As well as French mistakes: never again “if I had known, I would not have come”!

2. The form is the bottom that rises to the surface

Your CV is concrete, your career path fits perfectly with the ad to which you are applying. And yet, on the day of the interview, you can’t convince the recruiter? For a speech to be heard, whatever the background, it must be formal. Clearly, it is necessary to control the intonation of your voice to better sell your presentation. Indeed, it is difficult to believe that a candidate is dynamic if he says it in a too “soft” voice… Also think about the way you stand in front of your interlocutor, your hand game as well only in your eyes. Even if it may seem secondary, the recruiter will necessarily be sensitive to the way you behave.

3. Victim of a bad dress code?

In the interview you are judged at “55% on your appearance, 38% on your gestures and only 7% on your words”, explains Virginie le Cozic, director of an image consulting agency. If we can regret this “diktat of the appearance”, an adapted outfit in an interview is however a prerequisite expected from the recruiter. Unless you work in the fashion industry, protocol dictates that you present yourself in your best light at a job interview.

4. Be adamant with punctuality

Never, ever, should you be late for a job interview, even if your interviewer leaves you hanging around afterwards? In the event of an unforeseen event, notify the company and make your mea culpa. This is considered the least of politeness…

5. On the art of speaking spontaneously

To be successful in your job interview, it is necessary to have it well prepared. On the form as we mentioned previously but also on the bottom. This will allow you to be consistent during your presentation and to respond tit for tat to the recruiter’s questions. You will not be destabilized and you can then let go of your cards to display a more spontaneous speech. Self-confidence always pays off: it will reassure your interlocutor. A good point for the next step!

6. Tell me about yourself…

This trick question remains a classic job interview. There is no point in stressing: the recruiter does not expect a long monologue from you from birth to today. On the contrary, the goal is to test your ability to synthesize a clear speech related to the position and your presence in the interview. So don’t overdo it, be concise but clear and sell…

7. My former company? All c…!

If there is one thing you should never do, it is to speak ill of your former company, or of your former colleagues, hierarchical or not. Even if this is one of the reasons why you are looking to leave, you will need to legitimize your current career choice with a professional argument. Nobody likes to be criticized and even less to know that they can be…

8. Goodbye, and thank you

Last important point during a job interview, is how you end it. If a recruiter asks you at the very end if you have any questions, it is vital to have noted – possibly in writing – in the back of your mind the points you wish to pursue. This means that you are already projecting yourself into the position and taking things to heart. Finally, to conclude the interview, it is essential to thank your interlocutor, say goodbye to him and, even better, greet the other people who have welcomed you. Otherwise, the person at the reception will quickly cut you a suit…

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